

The small grass area outside the Centre had a beautiful flowering cherry tree on it, until we discovered rot at the base and following a risk assessment and advice from a tree surgeon it was removed because of public safety.

The grass has a small border between it and the fences and much of this was in the shade of the tree’s canopy. The Committee tried planting a small length of it with bedding plants in 2010 and that brightened the area up. Bulbs were planted for early colour in 2011 and more bedding plants. We decided to extend the bedding for this season around the whole length of the border and with the soil improved the Committee purchased 30 trays of mixed bedding and a packet of bee friendly seeds. Some members of the Gardening Circle planted it up for us and the results have bloomed.

Here are some photos taken on 7th August.

The Bee Mix has really made a colourful display.

Watering the plants we noticed a lot of wildlife.

Here is a selection of photos.